
Monday, November 28, 2011

Earth's Rotation and Orbit

1. Click below to watch the video of the Earth rotating.  Can you tell where it is day, and where it is night?

2.  Watch this video about seasons.

3. Review how seasons work with this Earth in Motion Game.

4. In a comment below, explain why we have day and night, AND why we have seasons.  
You should:
-  write in your OWN words, in complete sentences 
- write at least 3 sentences
- use these words: rotation, axis, and orbit

Monday, November 7, 2011

Planet Research Report

Here are all the resources you may need for the Planet Report.  You may ask questions about the project in the comments below if you have questions at home.

Here are some useful downloads if you need new papers:

Need the instructions, notes, or resources page for the report?  Click here.
Click here if you need another copy of the graphic organizer.
Also, here is a copy of your editor's checklist.

Here are some useful links for your research:

Enchanted Learning: Astronomy

NASA: The Solar System

Kids Astronomy

The 8 Planets Just for Kids

National Geographic: Solar System